BIM Services

The New Level of Evolution

BIM Services

3D BIM Services

Spark BIM delivers a spectrum of professional & high-quality 3D architectural visualization, photomontage, rendering, and animation services to home builders, retailers, architects, and general contractors. we help you identify possible errors in architectural design or improvement areas in the building design based on smarter 3D architectural designs and virtual tours.

4D BIM Services

Spark BIM delivers 4D models which enable the various participants (from architects, designers, and contractors to owners) of a construction project, to visualize the entire duration of a series of events and display the progress of construction activities through the lifetime of the project.

5D BIM Services

Spark BIM delivers a 5D model which enables the various participants (from architects, designers, and contractors to owners) of a construction project to visualize the progress of construction activities and its related costs over time. We deliver 5D Virtual Design & Construction models loaded with complete information about the material requirements and costs at every stage across a construction project. Any change in the design has a cascading effect on other factors such as estimation of material quantities and hence the related costs.


This is one of the most widely used features of BIM, The Spark Architects has a dedicated team for clash detection. Our customized clash reporting format, clash tracking system, and accurate detection of clashes make it one of the most desired services. A dedicated Clash Manager is allocated to each project, who documents and tracks the status and history of each clash.

Scan to BIM

Since a lot of current projects are Renovations & retrofits, often of very old buildings, laser scanning is used to record these buildings. Designers, Constructors, and Owners want the point-cloud data from these laser scanners Converted to BIM models. The focus here is on doing it most accurately and efficiently, in the shorted possible time. Depending on the project and the use of BIM on the project, we optimize the level of detail in which the point cloud information is converted to BIM. A step further & we also convert them into BIM 4D and 5D models.

Family Creation

We create, extract, standardize & manage BIM content; this includes 2D Drafting Details, 3D Components, Project files, Furniture, etc. We follow a strict and accurate protocol for how the content should be built, named, and accessed. The Level of Detail in the content is optimized, so that the desired results are achieved, without making the files very slow.

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